Natural Treatments to Relieve Psoriasis Symptoms

Dr. Marc-André Doré

Monday, August 8, 2022

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes an itchy scaly rash over large areas of the body. It is thought to be caused by an immune reaction that creates an overgrowth of skin cells. While there is no cure for psoriasis, treating the symptoms can make life more pleasant. There are several everyday treatments that might relieve the itch of psoriasis.

To help your psoriasis

  1. Eat skin healthy foods. Avoid trigger foods like processed foods, high sugar foods, fatty cuts of red meat, and dairy. Choose foods with anti-inflammatory properties, such as fruits and vegetables, fish high in omega 3 fatty acids, and heart-healthy fats.

  2. Try a humidifier. Dry skin is more easily irritated. Keeping the air moist can prevent dry skin before it starts. Other methods to prevent dry skin include heavy moisturizers and night creams.

  3. Stop smoking. Tobacco may increase your risks for psoriasis. Some studies suggest smokers are twice as likely to contract psoriasis as non-smokers. Smoking also aggravates symptoms. Psoriasis is a condition in which the immune system attacks normal tissues instead of germs, and nicotine alters the immune system.

  4. Avoid stress. The symptoms of psoriasis are stressful. Chronic itching and pain are difficult to live with, and stress puts those symptoms on overdrive creating an endless cycle. Whether you reduce the stress in your life with methods like yoga and meditation or eliminating troublesome issues, stress reduction can soothe your symptoms.

  5. Skip the cocktails. Alcohol is a trigger for psoriasis symptoms. If you drink, do it in moderation. Heavy drinkers don't respond as well to psoriasis treatments. Some medications used to treat severe psoriasis symptoms are not to be used with any alcohol.

  6. Get some sun. Light therapy, when used under supervision, can help slow the growth of psoriasis skin cells. However, it is important to have this treatment monitored since too much UV light can actually worsen symptoms.

  7. Use Turmeric. Turmeric supplements have been proven to prevent psoriasis flare-ups. It is believed that Turmeric's active ingredient curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Try supplements in pill form or use the spice on your favorite foods.

  8. Soak your skin. Hot baths can be drying, but warm water with Epsom salts, coal tar bath gel, or oats can help remove scales and soothe itchy skin. It is important to generously moisturize after soaking to seal in skin's moisture.

In the case of psoriatic arthritis

Some people with psoriasis are also affected by psoriatic arthritis. The most common symptoms of psoriatic arthritis are joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. Some of the treatments for psoriasis may naturally help swollen painful joints as well.

  1. Keep using Epsom salts. Epsom salts contain magnesium, a mineral known to promote bone health. Warm water also helps loosen and soothe stiff joints. People with diabetes should use Epsom salts with caution since they can stimulate the release of insulin.

  2. Try ginger. This root is a natural anti-inflammatory. Studies suggest that taking ginger regularly can reduce knee pain in patients who suffer from psoriatic arthritis.

  3. Engage in physical activities. Exercise improves flexibility in joints and promotes weight loss. Losing weight puts less pressure on the joints, lessening pain and inflammation. Studies have shown that weight loss also improves symptoms of psoriasis skin rashes.

If you suffer from psoriasis, seek help. The symptoms of psoriasis can be draining, both physically and emotionally. Avoid the temptation to self-isolate. You may feel like no one else struggles from this condition, but at least 100 million people are affected worldwide. Reach out to learn more about psoriasis and ongoing research developments.

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