
Understanding Lipomas: A Detailed Overview

Lipomas are benign masses made up of fatty tissue. They usually appear as a bump under the skin, often soft and painless. Although they are generally harmless, some lipomas can become uncomfortable or unsightly, especially if they are larger in size or located in visible areas.

1. Deoxycholic acid treatment: a non-surgical solution

Deoxycholic acid is a substance naturally present in the body responsible for the breakdown of fats. Used as injections, it can be a non-surgical alternative to reduce the size of lipomas. This treatment is particularly suitable for people who prefer to avoid surgery.

2. How does the treatment work?

Deoxycholic acid is injected directly into the lipoma. Once injected, it works by breaking down the membranes of fat cells, leading to their gradual destruction. The body then naturally eliminates these dead cells, thereby reducing the size of the lipoma.

3. Benefits of treatment

  • Alternative to Surgery: For those who prefer to avoid surgery or who have contraindications to surgery, this treatment offers an effective option.

  • Fast recovery time: Most patients can return to normal activities immediately after treatment.

  • Effective for small and medium-sized lipomas: Can significantly reduce the size of lipomas, especially when they are small or medium-sized.

  • Natural results: The lipoma is gradually reduced, which provides a discreet and natural result.

4. The treatment process

  • Initial consultation: An assessment is made to determine if deoxycholic acid treatment is appropriate for you.

  • Injection sessions: The number of sessions varies depending on the size and number of lipomas, but several treatments may be necessary to obtain the desired results (usually 2 to 4 treatments carried out every 2 months).

  • Follow-up: Post-treatment follow-up is generally recommended to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment and the absence of complications.

5. Possible side effects

Like any treatment, the use of deoxycholic acid can cause side effects, such as:

  • Swelling or redness at the injection site

  • Tenderness or pain

  • Bruising

  • Warm or tingling sensation

  • Scarring and skin necrosis (rare)

These effects are usually temporary and disappear within a few days.

6. Expected results

Results may begin to appear a few weeks after treatment, with a gradual reduction of the lipoma. It is important to note that results may vary depending on the size of the lipoma and individual response to treatment. Once fat cells are destroyed, they usually do not return.

7. Post-treatment instructions

  • Avoid strenuous activities: It is advisable to avoid strenuous physical activities for a few days after treatment to minimize side effects.

  • Regular follow-up: Follow-up visits may be necessary to assess response to treatment and determine whether repeat injections are necessary.

  • Pain management: Over-the-counter medications may be used to manage any mild pain or discomfort.

When to consult a specialist?

It is important to consult a dermatologist or aesthetic medicine specialist to determine whether deoxycholic acid treatment is appropriate for your specific case, especially if the lipoma is large or has atypical features.

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