Taking care of your skin in case of rosacea: tips and tricks for a soothed skin
Dr. Marc-André Doré
Rosacea is a skin disorder affecting the central part of the face and whose symptoms include redness, dryness, pimples and sometimes even pain.
Dermatologists normally prescribe:
Oral antibiotics, mainly for anti-inflammatory action against pimples;
Creams (antibiotic- or Ivermectin-based) to treat pimples;
Vasoconstrictor cream to reduce redness.
For dilated blood vessels, the dermatologist can suggest a laser treatment.
You can control some of these factors, which are known to worsen rosacea symptoms:
Temperature changes
Sun exposure
Hot beverages
Spicy food
Irritating skin products
It is therefore important to use sensitive-skin care products, be gentle with the skin (be extra careful with microdermabrasion and exfoliation) and apply a sun protection with minimum SPF 30 every morning.
For any questions related to your personal situation, you can ask advice from our certified dermatologists at dermago.ca.
Looking to learn more?
Dr. Marc-André Doré