The holiday season is upon us. The meat pie, the turkey, the alcohol, the desserts, it's time to enjoy ourselves! But what about the impact on our skin?
The skin comes into contact with various factors, many factors since it is the largest organ of the body. Its appearance can be influenced by the food we eat, an unhealthy diet can lead to a series of skin problems. The effects don't show up right away, but at some point, if you continue to miss the importance of eating right, you will see them!
Many people wonder if their diet really has an impact on the appearance of their skin, and well, the answer is yes. Here are some tips to help promote healthy skin!
At its most basic, it's important to...
✔︎ eat fresh
✔︎ eat a variety of foods
✔︎ eating your fruits and vegetables
In any case, a healthy diet involves a varied diet and good hydration.