Put your skin first


Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is a skin condition caused by genetic variation that causes redness and itching in the presence of environmental factors, irritants or allergens.

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About eczema

Common causes

Eczema can be triggered by an allergic reaction to an object that touches the skin, such as poison ivy or nickel, or by contact with chemicals that damage the outer skin, such as strong soaps and substances that irritate the skin.

Impact on daily life

Eczema is not contagious. It is characterized by itchy, inflamed skin, usually behind the knees, inside the elbows, and on the face, neck and hands. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, eczema can become chronic and debilitating.

Woman with psoriasis on her back man with psoriasis on his hands
Woman with psoriasis on her neck

Dermago can help with your eczema

Eczema treatments

Treatment may prevent eczema from getting worse and relieve pain and itching.

  1. Topical treatments

    Different types of creams are applied regularly to the plaques until they disappear.

  2. Other treatments

    No systemic or phototherapy treatments can be prescribed.

According to the severity of your eczema, different treatment options are available. Our dermatology team will recommend the best treatment for your condition.

Treatment options

Most types of eczema require a combination of treatments and medications. Your dermatologist will help you decide which ones are best for your condition.

The three main components of eczema management are

  • Bathing and moisturizing to repair the skin.

  • Medication to reduce inflammation.

  • Avoiding triggers that cause flare-ups.

Common forms of eczema

Although atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis are the most common forms of eczema, several other types of eczema are also common.

  1. Atopic Dermatitis

    Atopic Dermatitis is hereditary and the most common type of eczema. It is estimated that up to 17 per cent of Canadians will suffer from AD at some point in their lives.

    Almost always starts in infancy or before age 5. It is characterized by itchy, inflamed skin, usually behind the knees, the inside of the elbows, and on the face, neck and hands. 

  2. Allergic Contact Dermatitis

    Allergic Contact Dermatitis is caused by a delayed immune reaction following skin contact with an allergenic substance. Poison ivy is the most common cause. Other common causes include metals, dyes, perfumes, and preservatives in cosmetics.

  3. Irritant Contact Dermatitis

    Irritant Contact Dermatitis is caused by repeated exposure to substances that chemically damage the skin, such as harsh soaps, detergents, and cleaning products. These irritants remove oil and moisture from the outer layer of the skin, damaging the protective layer and triggering inflammation. 

  4. Dyshidrotic Eczema

    An acute recurrent eruption of multiple tiny, intensely itchy water blisters on the palms, sides of fingers and soles of the feet.

  5. Nummular Eczema

    Multiple, round plaques of eczema that are usually associated with dry skin and occur on the outer surfaces of the hands, arms and legs.

  6. Seborrheic Eczema

    Yellowish-brown, greasy, scaly patches on the scalp, eyebrows, nose and chest.

  7. Stasis Dermatitis

    A chronic eczema on the inner area of the lower legs and associated with varicose veins.

How Does The Online Consultation Work?

Dermago's online consultation is quick and easy!

No need to wait months to see a dermatologist in person- we can take care of everything online!

  1. Complete the questionnaire

    To get started, simply answer a few questions and attach a picture of your skin concern.

  2. Choose your plan

    Once you’ve completed the questionnaire, choose your consultation timeline - get your plan in less than 7 days.

  3. Get your diagnosis & treatment

    One of our medical experts will get back to you with a treatment plan. Prescriptions are sent directly to your pharmacy.

Treat your condition with dermago!

Choose your consultation

Online Consultation

Starts at $165

To get a diagnosis and prescription treatment for minor conditions or rejuvenation care.

Ideal for skin problems such as acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, hair loss, nail fungus or to treat wrinkles, fine lines and pigmentation spots.

A nurse will handle communication and follow-up with you, while the dermatologist will make your diagnosis and treatment recommendation.

In-Clinic Dermatology

Starts at $299

To get a diagnosis and prescription treatment for all skin conditions, including moles and melanomas.

Ideal for more serious or chronic skin problems.

As of September, you will also be able to book appointments with our dermatologists AT OUR CLINIC.

Start your consultation and then choose the plan that suits you best.

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